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Congrats go out to the Pomona Speech and Debate team for their great performance this past weekend at the JeffCo Coaches Invitational! Almost every competitor took home an award in their performance category and with their success the Pomona Team was elevated to an even higher level in their competitive region. Way to go students!


Just a reminder that crunch time is here. We have one more tournament, Columbine, scheduled on the 15th. Until then we’ll continue to have regular meetings and continue to refine our debates and performances for the State Competition which will be held at the end of the month.

JeffCo Novice Wins!


Great job to all of the speech and debate students who competed this past weekend at the JeffCo Coaches Invite. Every student worked hard to earn this recognition so congratulations!

In other news, please don’t forget the last novice invite will be held this upcoming weekend at Monarch HS in Louisville. All student registrations are confirmed but please inform your coach of any changes. Thanks for visiting and see everyone on Friday.

Congratulations and Updates

Lakewood Novice Team Picture

Congratulations to all of the competitors from Pomona this weekend! It was a tough, but fun, day at Lakewood and our novices certainly learned some important lessons this weekend. A lot of the students took home awards but everyone is a winner for having competed and having learned the in’s and out’s of a normal tournament. A second thanks goes out to all varsity students and their help with judging at the tournament. It’s certainly different to see a round from the other side of the table.

Don’t forget to register for all of our upcoming tournaments. Novice season will be over before you know it and it’s a great time to begin earning points for both novice and varsity competitors. See you all after-school today.