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January Updates

Welcome back and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break. We’re off and running in the second semester and before you know it we’ll be at the end of another school-year. With that being said there are a bunch of tournaments upcoming at the end of the month and we already need to begin preparation for some of the National and State qualifiers.

Please remember that all students are required to attend at least one weekly meeting in order to stay eligible for competition. Below you’ll find a link regarding the Congress Qualifier and the deadline for legislation submission. Last year Pomona was honored by having 3 legislative items on the docket so I expect a good turn-out of submissions by the deadline.

2015 Pre Congress Qualifier Information

2015 PRE CONGRESS Qualifier Information
Legislation Deadline: February 9, 2015

Welcome Back!

Now that summer has passed us by and everyone has begun to settle into the school routine we can begin to meet for Speech and Debate at Pomona. I’m excited to once again be your coach this year and we have some really cool new plans for this year of Speech and Debate.

Please remember that it is your responsibility as a competitor to make as many meetings as possible. Additionally it is important that we use the time when we meet to do actual work and not waste our valuable opportunities to enhance our performances and debates.

It is also the time for us to convince other students and friends to join debate as competitions are right around the corner. Lastly, we have to select our Captains this year – students who exemplify what Speech and Debate at Pomona stands for. We’re fierce competitors with big hearts who work to make a difference in the world.


Summer Break and Updates

It looks like I fell a little behind on updates as the end of season drew near but we had a very successful season and I would like to congratulate all competitors for their dedication and hard-work this season. Pomona is currently on summer break, and so am I, but we have plans for a summer, end-of-year celebration so please stay tuned. Otherwise have an amazing and safe summer and I hope to see most of you back in the fall.

Take care – Mr. E
